 CEDA RDO_Command 
Executes a CEDA command for resource definition online (RDO).
specifies a command string passed as input to the CEDA transaction program.
Return Codes
nspecifies the return code passed back by CICS if an error is detected
0Normal return
-101 Invalid command
Any warning or error messages are placed in the variable CEDATOUT. The results of the execution, if any,
are placed in the variable CEDAEOUT. The maximum length returned in CEDAEOUTis approximately 28K
bytes. Each variable has the following format:
vBinary halfword containing inclusive length of field.
vBinary halfword containing the number of messages produced.
vBinary halfword containing the highest message-severity: 0and 4continue to execution; 8and 12 do not
continue to execution.
vVariable-length data containing:
For CEDATOUT: messages produced from translation stage of command
For CEDAEOUT: messages produced from execution stage of command
The format of this data is not guaranteed from release to release, but it is the same as that displayed by
This example shows a CICS command that is passed to the CEDA transaction program for execution.
Chapter 25. REXX/CICS Commands 323