(described later) was started or reset. The number has no leading zeros or blanks, and the setting
of NUMERIC DIGITS does not affect the number. The fractional part always has six digits.
Hours returns up to two characters giving the number of hours since midnight in the format: hh (no
leading zeros or blanks, except for a result of 0).
Long returns time in the format: hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu (uuuuuu is the fraction of seconds, in microseconds).
The first eight characters of the result follow the same rules as for the Normal form, and the
fractional part is always six digits.
returns up to four characters giving the number of minutes since midnight in the format: mmmm
(no leading zeros or blanks, except for a result of 0).
returns the time in the default format hh:mm:ss, as described previously. The hours can have the
values 00 through 23, and minutes and seconds, 00 through 59. All these are always two digits.
Any fractions of seconds are ignored (times are never rounded up). This is the default.
Reset returns sssssssss.uuuuuu, the number of seconds.microseconds since the elapsed-time clock
(described later) was started or reset and also resets the elapsed-time clock to zero. The number
has no leading zeros or blanks, and the setting of NUMERIC DIGITS does not affect the number.
The fractional part always has six digits.
returns up to five characters giving the number of seconds since midnight in the format: sssss (no
leading zeros or blanks, except for a result of 0).
Here are some examples, assuming that the time is 4:54 p.m.:
TIME() -> '16:54:22'
TIME('C') -> '4:54pm'
TIME('H') -> '16'
TIME('L') -> '16:54:22.123456' /* Perhaps */
TIME('M') -> '1014' /* 54 + 60*16 */
TIME('N') -> '16:54:22'
TIME('S') -> '60862' /* 22 + 60*(54+60*16) */
The elapsed-time clock:
You can use the TIME function to measure real (elapsed) time intervals. On the first call in a program to
TIME('E') or TIME('R'), the elapsed-time clock is started, and either call returns 0. From then on, calls to
TIME('E') and to TIME('R') return the elapsed time since that first call or since the last call to TIME('R').
The clock is saved across internal routine calls, which is to say that an internal routine inherits the time
clock its caller started. Any timing the caller is doing is not affected, even if an internal routine resets the
clock. An example of the elapsed-time clock:
time('E') -> 0 /* The first call */
/* pause of one second here */
time('E') -> 1.002345 /* or thereabouts */
/* pause of one second here */
time('R') -> 2.004690 /* or thereabouts */
/* pause of one second here */
time('R') -> 1.002345 /* or thereabouts */
Note: See the note under DATE about consistency of times within a single clause. The elapsed-time clock
is synchronized to the other calls to TIME and DATE, so multiple calls to the elapsed-time clock in
a single clause always return the same result. For the same reason, the interval between two usual
TIME/DATE results may be calculated exactly using the elapsed-time clock.
Implementation maximum: If the number of seconds in the elapsed time exceeds nine digits (equivalent
to over 31.6 years), an error results.
194 CICS TS for VSE/ESA: REXX Guide