Note: Using the LEAVE or ITERATEinstructions can also modify the execution of repetitive loops.
Evaluate exprr + 0
evaluate expri + 0
exprt + 0, exprb + 0,
exprf + 0 in order written
Assign start value to control
Use TO value (expr) to test
control variable for termination
Discontinue execution of DO
group ifTO value is exceeded
Discontinue execution of DO
group if number of iterations
is exceeded
Discontinue execution of DO
group if FOR value (number of
iterations through the loop) is
Discontinue execution of DO
group if WHILE condition is
not met
Discontinue execution of DO
group if UNTIL condition is
Use FOR value (exprf) to test
for termination
Use WHILE expression (exprw)
to test for termination
Use BY expression (exprb) to
update control variable
Use UNTIL expression (expru)
to test for termination
Use count of iterations (exprr)
to test for termination
Execute instruction(s)
in the DO group
Figure 49. Concept of a DO Loop
Chapter 13. Keyword Instructions 141