AC450NX Rack Server System Product Guide

Hot-swapping a SCSI SCA Hard Disk Drive

Status LEDs are arranged in sets of three below each of the 2 hot-docking bays. They monitor the
status of each drive. When a yellow LED is on continuously, it is okay to hot-swap (remove and
replace) a bad drive with a good one. You do not need to shut the server down to hot-swap a drive.

SCSI Drive Status LED Descriptions

SCSI drive,
power on
green LED
SCSI drive
green LED
SCSI drive
yellow LED Description and action if needed
On Off Off Drive is present with power.
On Blinking Off Drive is present with power and is being accessed.
Off Off On Drive CAN be replaced. Steady yellow fault light
indicates drive has a problem. Power to drive is off.
On Off Slow blinking Drive SHOULD NOT be replaced at this time. A
slowly blinking yellow fault light indicates that a drive
that has just been replaced is in recovery mode
(drive array being rebuilt). Power to drive is on.
Off Off Off There is no drive installed in the bay.
* The hot-swap c ontroller is responsible f or turning the yel l ow dri ve fault LE D on or off acc ordi ng to the st at es speci f i ed
by comm ands receiv ed v i a SAF-TE and I M B.
See Figures 10-3 and 10-4.
1. Look at the yellow LEDs below the hot-docking bays to determine which drive is bad.
2. Push on the drive carrier latch of the bad drive, and while grasping the handle, pull the
assembly toward you to disengage the drive from the backplane connector.
3. Carefully slide the assembly out of the bay, and place it on an antistatic surface.
4. Orient the new carrier and drive assembly in front of the hot-docking bay guide rails so that
metal fingers of the perforated metal bracket attached to the carrier are facing up. Make sure
you correctly place the carrier into the guide rails to avoid damage.
5. While grasping only the drive carrier handle, firmly push the assembly into the bay until the
driver carrier latches.
Do not press on the perforated metal bracket of the carrier when you push
the assembly into the bay. Otherwise you may damage the metal fingers of
the bracket.