AC450NX Rack Server System Product Guide

Displaying a Given Area

When the utility is run with the -d DMI, -d FRU, or -d SDR command line flag, the indicated area
is displayed. Each area represents a sensor; one sensor for each instrumented device in the server.
If the given display function fails because of an inability to parse the data present or a hardware
failure, the utility displays an error message and exits.

Displaying DMI Area

Each DMI area displayed is headed with the DMI area designated name. In each area, each field
has a field name header followed by the field in ASCII or as a number.
To display the DMI area, type frusdr -d dmi -v -p and press <Enter>. A message similar to the
following appears:
Displaying DMI Area...
System Information (Type 1, 8 bytes)
Manufacturer = Intel
Product = AC450NX Server System
Version = ASDK128M1P2MBPP
Serial Number = Z00418630
Board Information (Type 2, 8 bytes)
Manufacturer = Intel Corp.
Product = AC450NX Server System
Version = ASDK128M1P2MBPP
Serial Number = 0123456789
Chassis Information (Type 3, 9 bytes)
Manufacturer = Intel
Type = Main Server Chassis
Version = ASDK128M1P2MBPP
Serial Number = Z00418630
Asset Tag# =

Displaying FRU Area

The FRU area is displayed in ASCII format when the field is ASCII or as a number when the field
is a number. Each FRU area displayed is headed with the FRU area designated name. Each field
has a field name header followed by the field in ASCII or as a number. The Board, Chassis, and
Product FRU areas end with an END OF FIELDS CODE that indicates there is no more data in
this area. The Internal Use area is displayed in hex format, 16 bytes per line.