

AC filter and cable
reinstalling, 159
rem oving, 158
Acoustic noise, 30
Add-in boards, 146
current limitations, 146
installing, 146
ISA, 57, 146, 148
installing, 148
PCI, 57, 146, 148
rem oving, 149
Agency certification, 285, 286


Back panel, external connectors, 32
Backplane s , periphe ral bay, 183
handling cautions, 258
replacing, 259
Setup utility, description, 43
Setup utility, running, 43
special recovery m ode, 197
updating, 195
Board m anagement controller, 191
Board set
CPU baseboa rd, 17
I/O ba seboard, 17
I/O riser card, 17
mem ory module, 17
voltages and currents, 253
brown out f eature, 249


Cautions, 132, 137, 143, 146, 156
CD-ROM drive
activity LED, 24
headphone jack, 24
mounting scr ews, 170
open/close button, 24
rem oving, 168
replacing, 170
slide rails, 170
volume control, 24
Certific ations, 285, 286
CFG files, 58
Connecting periphera l devices, 31
Connector s on CPU baseboard
I/O power section, 204, 229
Connector s on I/O riser card
keyboard and mouse ports, 213
paralle l port, 214
seria l ports, 213
video port, 215
Connector s on memor y module
signal section, 244
Connector s on peripheral bay blindmate board
blind mate, 280
diskette drive , 281
IDE, 282
power, 281
Wide SCSI, 283
Connector s on PHP I/O baseboard
32-bit PCI, 205
64-bit PCI, 206
diskette drive port, 208
F16 bus, 201
front panel, 211
I2C, 211
IDE port, 210
ISA, 207
legacy, 212
USB port, 212
wide/fa s t 16-bit SCSI port, 209
connectors, per i pheral bay blindmate, 279
board management, 191
diskette drive , 20
front panel, 191
hot-swap, 191
IDE, 190
keyboard/mouse, 20
Symbios 53C896 LVDS, 185
video, 20, 187