Chapter 4 Setup Utility: When to Run

Security Menu

Feature Option Description
User Password Is Clear When you enter your user password, this field
automatically changes to set.
Password Is Clear When you enter your administrator password, this field
automatically changes to set.
Set User Password Enter The user passwo rd controls access to the system at boot.
To enter a password, press <Enter> and follow the
screen prompts.
Set Administrator
Password Enter The administrator password controls access to the setup
utility. To enter a password, press <Enter> and follow
the screen prompts.
Password on Boot Disabled
Enabled Requires password entry before boot. The system
remains in the secure mode until you enter the password.
Password on Boot takes precedence over Secure Mode
Disket te Access User
Administrator Controls access to diskette drives.
Secure Mode Timer Disabled
1 min
2 min
5 min
10 min
20 min
1 hr
2 hr
Select the time-out period of keyboard or mouse inactivity
required before the secure mode activates. (A password
must be entered for the secure mode to work.)
Secure Mode Hot Key [ ] Select a hot key, and then press <Ctrl+Alt+(your hot
key)> to place the system i n the secu re mode. The key
should not conflict with any application. Available
choices are A-Z and 0-9. Press <Del> to remove the
hot key.
Secure Mode Boot Disabled
Enabled Enabled lets the system boots in the secure mode.
Requires a password to unlock the system.
Video Blanking Disabled
Enabled Enabled blanks video when the secure mode activates.
Requires a password to unlock the system.
Diskette Write Protect Disabled
Enabled Enabled write protects the diskette drive when the
Secure Mode activates. Requires a password to restore
the diskette writes.
Front Panel Lockout Disabled
Enabled Enabled disables the front panel controls when the
Secure Mode activates. Requires a password to unlock
the system.