17Part 2: DSP-402 Implementation
Section 3

Manufacturer Specific Objects

The objects detailed in this section are IMS manufacturer specific configuration objects to conFigure :
I/O Type
Run/Hold Current
Factory Configuration
Accessibility Codes
R — Read
W — Write
S — Storable to Nonvolatile Memory (NVM)
K — Key Required
Object 2000h: I/O Discretes (Config)
Object Description

I/O Discretes

Object Code
Data Type
Unsigned 8
Entry Description
Sub-Index Description Category Access PDO
Value Range Default
01h ConFigure I/O as Output Mandatory R/W No 0x00 — 0xFF 0x00 (1 = Output,
0 = Input)
02h ConFigure I/O as Sourcing Mandatory R/W No 0x00 — 0xFF
0x00 (1 =
Sourcing Only, 0 =
Sinking Only)
03h ConFigure I/O as Both Mandatory R/W No 0x00 — 0xFF
0x00 (1 = Both
Source and Sink,
0 = See Sub-
Index 2)
04h ConFigure I/O as Polarity
In Mandatory R/W No 0x00 — 0xFF
0x00 (1 = Invert
Polarity of Digital
Inputs, 0 = See
Index 60FDh
Sub-Index 1 Bits
05h ConFigure I/O as Polarity
Out Mandatory R/W No 0x00 — 0xFF
0x00 (1 = Invert
Polarity of Digital
I/O, 0 = See Index
60FEh Sub-Index
1 Bits <23...16>)