to select the channel being adjusted,
followed by the Set Button
. You may then use the ⁄ / ¤ Buttons y
again to change the level for that channel. Press the
Set Button
to lock in the setting.
When using the DVD600II to play a DVD disc, this button functions as a Title button, and dis- plays the disc’s Title Select Menu, or a symbol ( ) if the disc either does not offer this func- tion or has only one title.
When the Video 3 input has been programmed for a cable or satellite service, this button will access the service’s programming guide, if the service is active.
y ⁄ : Used to change or scroll through items in the on-screen menus, or to change configu- ration settings, such as output levels. When changing an item such as the surround mode or digital input directly, first press the function or mode to be changed, such as Surround Mode or Digital Input, and then press this button to scroll through the list of available choices. In DVD mode, press this button to skip to the next higher chapter of the current disc.
zMenu: Used only with video sources. When DVD is selected, pressing this button while a DVD disc is playing stops playback and displays the disc’s menu. When the unit is stopped, pressing this button displays the DVD player’s Setup Menu.
`‹: Used to change the menu selection or setting during some of the setup or other procedures. In DVD mode, press this button to play the current disc in Fast Reverse mode.
Set: Used to enter settings into the mem- ory of the DCR600II, DVD600II or video device selected. Also used in the setup procedures for delay time, speaker configuration and channel output level adjustment. When the DVD600II has been selected, pressing this button will select the item that is highlighted in the Status Banner, or in the on-screen menu displayed by a DVD disc. When the Status Banner has not been activated, pressing this button will alter- nately Play or Pause the current disc. When the On Screen Library is displayed on-screen, pressing this button will begin play of the currently selected disc.
›: Used to change the menu selection or setting during some of the setup or other procedures. In DVD mode, press this button to play the current disc in Fast Forward mode.
Digital/Subtitle/Exit: When the DCR600II is selected, press this button to assign one of
the digital inputs to a source. When the DVD600II is selected, this button is used to change the subtitle choice. For other video devices, it exits the menu.
¤: Used to change or scroll through items in the on-screen menus, or to change configuration settings, such as output levels. When changing an item such as the surround mode or digital input directly, first press the function or mode to be changed, such as Surround Mode or Digital Input, and then press this button to scroll through the list of available choices. In DVD mode, press this but- ton once to return to the beginning of the cur- rent chapter or track, and twice to skip to the next lower chapter or track of the current disc.
Delay/Return/Prev Ch.: Begins the process for setting the delay times used by the DCR600II when processing surround sound. After pressing this button, the delay times are
entered by pressing the Set Button
and then using the ⁄ / ¤ Buttons y
to change the setting. Press the Set Button
again to complete the process.
This button is also used when viewing a menu display from a DVD disc. Press it to return to the previous menu screen.
When the Video 3 Input #$ has been pro- grammed for a cable or satellite service, this button will skip to the previous channel.
Numeric Keys: These buttons serve as a ten-button numeric keypad to enter tuner preset positions. They are also used with the DVD600II to directly access a disc (when pressed within 3 seconds after the
Disc Skip Button
) or track (when pressed while a disc is playing), to enter data for sequential programming, to enter or change the access password for parental control, to enter a language code, or to respond to menu options presented by a disc. When the TV or another video device is selected, they are used to select channel numbers. They may also be used to select track or chapter numbers when playing a CD or DVD.
Tuner Mode/Angle: Press this button when the tuner is in use to select between automatic tuning and manual tuning. When the button is pressed so that the AUTO Indicator T goes out, pressing the Tuning
8 will move the frequency up or down in single-step increments. When the AUTO Indicator T is lit, pressing the
Tuning Buttons 
8 will cause the tuner to search for the next station with an acceptable signal. When the FM band is in use, pressing this button when a station’s sig-
nal is weak will change to monaural reception.
When a DVD encoded with multiple-angle information is playing, press to change the angle in use. This function is only available on discs that are specially prepared to take advantage of the multiple-angle function, and only for those parts of the disc that are recorded with multiple-angle content. The DVD600II will display a camera icon on the screen to indicate when this feature is available.
Memory: Enters a radio station into the DCR600II’s preset memory. Once the MEMORY Indicator Q flashes, you have five seconds to enter a preset memory location using the
Numeric Keys
. Repeat the process to enter additional stations.
Tuning Up/Down/Step (Frame
Advance) Buttons: When the tuner is in use, these buttons will tune up or down through the selected frequency band. If the Tuner Mode Button
@ has been pressed so that the AUTO Indicator T is illuminated, pressing either of the buttons will cause the tuner to seek the next station with acceptable signal strength for quality reception. When the AUTO Indicator T is NOT illuminated, pressing these buttons will tune stations in single-step increments.
When a DVD disc is playing, press these buttons to move forward or backward one frame at a time. Press the Play/Pause Button

to resume normal play. These buttons do not function when a CD is playing.
Direct/Program Button: Pressing this button in tuner mode, or while a CD or DVD is playing, starts the sequence for direct entry of a station’s frequency, a CD track or a DVD chap- ter. After pressing the button, simply press the
proper Numeric Keys
to select a station, track or chapter. You may also skip to a track or chapter by entering its number,
without first pressing the Direct Button
When the DVD600II is stopped, press this button to display the program menu and enter a programmed play sequence. When a disc is playing, press to switch between normal play and programmed playback, if a playlist has been programmed.
Clear Button: Erases incorrect entries when using the remote to directly enter a radio station’s frequency.
When the DVD600II has been selected, press this button to remove the Status Banner or other displays from your video screen. This button is also used to clear items from programmed playlists.