| EN 85 |
| ||
1. | Timer recording won’t work. | ● The clock and/or the timer have been set | |
| incorrectly. | settings. |
| ● The timer is not engaged. | Press TIMER and confirm that “#” is |
| displayed on the front display panel. |
2. | Timer programing is not possible. | ● Timer recording is in progress. | Timer programing can’t be performed |
| while a timer recording is in progress. |
| Wait until it finishes. |
3. | “#” on the front display panel won’t | ● The timer is engaged but there’s no | Load a cassette with the record safety tab |
| stop blinking. | cassette loaded. | intact. |
| ● The loaded cassette has had its record | Remove the cassette and cover the hole |
| safety tab removed. | with adhesive tape, or insert a cassette |
| with the record safety tab intact. |
4. | “#”, “” and “$” on the front | ● The end of the tape was reached during | The program may not have been recorded |
| display panel won’t stop blinking. | timer recording. | in its entirety. Next time make sure you |
| have enough time on the tape to record |
| the entire program. |
5. | “#” blinks for 10 seconds and the | ● TIMER has been pressed when there are | |
| Timer mode is disengaged. | no programs in memory, or the timer | program as necessary, then press TIMER |
| record information has been programed | again. |
| incorrectly. |
6. | “” and “$” on the front display | ● The end of the tape was reached during | The program may not have been recorded |
| panel won’t stop blinking. | Instant Timer Recording. | in its entirety. Next time make sure you |
| have enough time on the tape to record |
| the entire program. |
| |
7. “N”, “” and “$” on the front display | ● The Satellite Auto Recording mode is | Load a cassette with the record safety tab | |
| panel won’t stop blinking. | engaged but there is no cassette loaded. | intact. |
| ● The loaded cassette has had its record | Remove the cassette and cover the hole |
| safety tab removed. | with adhesive tape, or insert a cassette |
| with the record safety tab intact. |
| ● The end of the tape was reached during | The program may not have been recorded |
| Satellite Auto Recording. | in its entirety. Next time make sure you |
| have enough time on the tape to record |
| the entire program. |