Problem |
| Probable Cause |
| Corrective Action | Page |
No signals are | The RF gain was set too low. | Turn the RF control clockwise to increase the RF | 10 | ||
received or receive |
| gain. |
| |
sensitivity seems |
poor; |
reading full scale. |
| ||
Received signals | The wrong modulation was | Select the correct modulation mode. | 11 | ||
are completely | selected. |
| |
unintelligible |
Memory Scan will not | 1 | The SQL control was not | 1 | Adjust the SQL control to just eliminate | 12 |
start scanning. |
| set correctly. |
| background noise. |
| 2 | Less than 2 memory | 2 | Unlock at least 2 memory channels. | 44 |
| channels were unlocked. |
| 3 | Less than 2 memory | 3 | Store data in at least 2 memory channels. | 41 |
| channels were |
| programmed. |
| ||
Memory Scan will | With Group Scan selected, the | Select the Memory Group that contains the | 49 | ||
not scan one of the | channel you want to scan is in | memory channel you want to scan. |
| ||
stored channels; the | a different group. |
| |
desired channel is not |
locked out. |
| ||
Program Scan will not | The start and end frequencies | Store different start and end frequencies. | 46 | ||
start scanning. | are identical |
| |
AT does not finish | The impedance of the coaxial | Adjust the antenna system to lower the SWR. | 50 | ||
successfully. | cable and antenna was not |
| |
| matched. Tuning does not |
| |
| successfully finish depending |
| |
| on conditions, although the |
| |
| SWR meter indicates smaller |
| |
| than 3:1. |
| |
| ||
The internal tuner is | The SWR of the antenna | Adjust the antenna system to lower the SWR | 50 | ||
bypassed immediately | system is too high. |
| |
after tuning is started. |
You cannot transmit | 1 | The microphone plug was | 1 | Turn OFF the power, ensure the MIC | 2 |
even though you |
| not inserted completely into |
| connector has no foreign objects in it, then |
press MIC [PTT], or |
| the MIC connector. |
| plug in the connector firmly. |
transmissinos result | 2 | The Transmit Inhibit | 2 | Change Menu No. 60 to OFF. | 32 |
in no contacts. |
| function is ON. |
| 3 | CW or FSK was selected | 3 | Select the correct voice mode. | 11 |
| instead of a voice mode. |
| 4 | The DSP TX filter | 4 | Adjust the settings in Menu Nos. 25, 26. | 31 |
| bandwidth was improperly |
| selected. |
| Press and hold [PRE (ANT 1/2)] to select the |
| 5 | The wrong antenna | 5 | 50 | |
| connector (ANT 1 or ANT 2) |
| other antenna connector. |
| was selected. |
Attempting to transmit | 1 | The antenna is not | 1 | Check the antenna connection. Correct as | 1 |
results in the “HELLO” |
| connected correctly. |
| necessary. |
message appearing | 2 | The impedances of the | 2 | Reduce the SWR of the antenna system. | 50 |
and the reception |
| antenna and transceiver |
mode being restored. |
| are not properly matched. |
| 3 | The input voltage is outside | 3 | Correct the input voltage or use a 12 ~ 16 V | 1 |
| 13.8 V DC ± 15% (11.7 ~ |
| battery. |
| 15.8 V DC). |
| 4 | The current rating of the | 4 | Use a DC power supply that has a current | 1 |
| DC power supply is not |
| rating of more than 20.5 A at 13.8 V DC. |
| enough. |
The transceiver has | 1 | The microphone gain is set | 1 | When in SSB or AM mode, increase the | 13 |
low transmission |
| too low. |
| microphone gain. |
power. | 2 | Poor antenna system | 2 | Check the antenna connections. Confirm that | 50 |
| connections are causing |
| the antenna tuner is reporting a low SWR. |
| high SWR. |