3 - 6 A-41069 January 1993
10. When you have adjusted the gap so that the bottom document
separates consistently from the top docum ent, rotate the Gap
Adjustment Knob counterclockwise another one or two clicks to
complete the adjustment.
11. F eed a stack of fifty (50) to one-hundred (100) do cuments twice
through the transport system. Verify that the final count reflects the
total number of documents that were fed and that the counter shows
the same amount each time the documents ar e counted.
If the count is not the same, the gap is not adjusted correctly. Rotate
the Gap Adjustment Knob counterclockwise ano ther one or two
clicks and repeat Step 10. Repeat until cor rected.
12. Pr ess Stop.
13. Ente r Function Code F04 and disable counting-only .
14. Pr ess Enter.