Konica Minolta DiMAGE_A2 instruction manual Color Mode

Models: DiMAGE_A2

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Color Mode

The color mode controls whether a still image is color or black and white. This must be set before the image is recorded. The color mode is set in section 2 of the recording menu (p. 80). The live image on the monitors will reflect the selected color mode. The color mode has no effect on image file size. See the color exam- ples on page 103.

Color mode

Vivid (sRGB)


Nat. (sRGB)

Noise reductn

Adobe RGB





Monitor amp.








Manual exp.








Mag. button






Natural Color - reproduces the colors in the scene faithfully. This mode uses no monitor indicator when active. Employs the sRGB color space.

Vivid Color - increases the saturation of the colors in the scene. The increased saturation affects the RAW image data. Employs the sRGB color space.

Adobe RGB - like Natural Color, this color mode reproduces the colors in the scene faithful- ly, but uses the extended gamut of the Adobe RGB color space.

Embedded Adobe RGB - the same as Adobe RGB, except that the color space is embed- ded in the image file.

Black & White - produces monochrome images. Images can be toned using the Filter set- ting on the Digital Effects Controller (p. 78).

Solarization - produces a partial reversal of tones in the image. Exposure compensation function can be used to accentuate the solarization effect (p. 59). The Digital Effects Controller cannot be used. This color mode does not affect RAW images. For more on RAW image quality and color mode, see page 84.

102 Recording menu

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Konica Minolta DiMAGE_A2 instruction manual Color Mode