Konica Minolta DiMAGE_A2 instruction manual AEL Button, Menu option

Models: DiMAGE_A2

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AEL Button

When the AEL button is pressed and held, the exposure is locked. The exposure remains locked after an image has been captured until the AEL button has been released (hold setting) or pressed again (toggle setting). How the button operates can be changed in section 1 of the recording menu (p. 80).

Menu option

AE hold

AE toggle

AE hold

AE toggle

The default setting. Press and hold the AEL button to lock the exposure. The exposure remains locked until the AEL button is released.

Press and release the AEL button to lock the exposure. To cancel the expo- sure lock, press the AEL button again.

Exposure is determined with the spot metering area. Press and hold the AEL button to lock the exposure; the spot circle is displayed. The exposure remains locked until the AEL button is released.

Exposure is determined with the spot metering area. Press and release the AEL button to lock the exposure; the spot circle is displayed. To cancel the exposure lock, press the AEL button again.

These menu options do not affect the operation of the manual shift function (p. 56).

94 Recording menu

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Konica Minolta DiMAGE_A2 instruction manual AEL Button, Menu option