Konica Minolta DiMAGE_A2 Shutter Priority S, SHUTTER-SPEED Range and Camera Sensitivity ISO

Models: DiMAGE_A2

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Shutter Priority - S

Shutter priority is set with the exposure-mode dial (p. 50). The photographer selects the shutter speed and the camera sets the appropriate aperture to ensure correct exposure. When S mode is selected, the shutter speed dis- play on the monitors turns blue.

Turn either the front or rear control dial to change the shutter speed. Press the shutter-release button partway down to activate the exposure system; the correspond- ing aperture will be displayed.

The shutter speeds can be changed by 1/3 stop incre- ments from 1/2000 second, see below. If the shutter speed is beyond the aperture range, the aperture display will blink on the data panel and turn red on the monitors.

When using flash, the shutter speed should be set to the flash duration of the flash unit to prevent underexposure. A maximum shutter speed of 1/1000s is recommended when using the built-in flash and 1/250s when using a compatible Minolta flash unit.

The yellow and white Anti-shake indicators do not appear in S mode.


The maximum shutter speed or bulb exposure depends on the camera sensitivity (ISO) setting. ISO can is changed with the function dial. For more about camera sensitivity, see page 74.

ISO Settings

Shutter speed


30 seconds


30 seconds

200 Auto

15 seconds


8 seconds


4 seconds


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Konica Minolta DiMAGE_A2 instruction manual Shutter Priority S, SHUTTER-SPEED Range and Camera Sensitivity ISO