Konica Minolta DiMAGE_A2 instruction manual Problem Symptom Cause Solution, 165

Models: DiMAGE_A2

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Subject is too close.

Focus signal is

Make sure the subject is within the aut- ofocus range (0.5m - ∞ / 1.6 ft - ∞) or use the macro mode (p. 49).

Pictures are not sharp.


The camera is in macro mode.

A special situation is preventing the autofocus system from focusing (p. 35)

Cancel the macro mode setting (p. 49).

Use the focus-lock function to focus on an object at the same distance as the subject (p. 34) or use manual focus (p. 46).

Pictures are taken

Use Anti-shake or a tripod, change the

Slow shutter speeds result in

indoors or in low-

camera sensitivity to a higher setting (p.

blurred images when the cam-

light situations

74), or use the flash (p. 36).

era is hand-held.

without flash.


While using flash,


Move closer to the subject or change

the pictures are

The subject is beyond the flash range (p. 75).

the camera sensitivity to a higher set-

too dark.


ting (p. 74).

A shadow

Lens hood mount-

appears on the

The lens hood blocks the light

bottom of the

ed when using

from the built-in flash.




Always remove the lens hood when using the built-in flash.


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Konica Minolta DiMAGE_A2 instruction manual Problem Symptom Cause Solution, 165