Konica Minolta DiMAGE_A2 instruction manual Flash Control

Models: DiMAGE_A2

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Flash Control

ADI, pre-flash TTL, and manual flash controls are available. Flash control is changed in section 1 of the recording menu (p. 80).

ADI (Advanced Distance Integration) flash metering - combines distance information from the auto- focusing system with information from a pre-flash exposure. Unlike conventional TTL flash metering, ADI is not influenced by the reflectance of the subject or background ensuring optimum flash expo- sures.

Pre-flash TTL - calculates flash exposure with a pre-flash only. This mode must be used when using close-up filters or filters that reduce the amount of light entering the camera such as neutral density filters. Pre-flash TTL must be used when a diffuser is attached to the built-in flash or an external flash unit.

The camera will automatically switch from ADI metering to pre-flash TTL when a low-contrast sub- ject is preventing the autofocus system from focusing. If the autofocus system cannot lock on the subject, use manual focus; the ADI metering will remain in effect.

Manual flash control - fires the flash at full power, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, or 1/16 power. Because no pre-flash is used, it can be used to fire slave flash units. Manual flash cannot be used with red-eye reduction or wireless.







Select the manual option from flash control in section 1 of





the recording menu. With the built-in flash raised, press the





exposure compensation button (1). Use the rear control

Power ratio


dial (2) to select the manual flash power ratio; the front


control dial compensates the ambient exposure.









Press the shutter-release button partway down or press









the exposure-compensation button to complete the opera-





tion. The power ratio and the manual flash indicator are





displayed on the monitors when the flash is raised.
















92 Recording menu

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Konica Minolta DiMAGE_A2 instruction manual Flash Control