Konica Minolta DiMAGE_A2 instruction manual Depth-of-field Preview

Models: DiMAGE_A2

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Depth-of-field Preview

The aperture controls depth of field; the area in front of the cam-


era that appears in focus. The smaller the aperture, the greater


the depth of field. Depth-of-field preview sets the aperture to the

setting used in the exposure.

Turn the function dial to the custom position (1). Press and hold the function button to view the affect of the aperture setting on the live image. The shutter can be released during depth of field preview.

In Auto, P, and S exposure modes, the aperture value is automati- cally displayed. Except for the manual exposure mode, the expo- sure is not fixed and changes with the lighting conditions. The aperture can be changed during depth of field preview in A and M 2 exposure modes; the live image may flash as the aperture is adjusted.

Camera Notes

The function assigned to the custom position of the function dial can be changed with the custom-setup option in section 2 of the setup menu (p. 136).


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Konica Minolta DiMAGE_A2 instruction manual Depth-of-field Preview