Konica Minolta DiMAGE_A2 instruction manual Monitor Display Quick View & Playback Mode

Models: DiMAGE_A2

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Monitor Display - Quick View & Playback Mode


1.Mode indicator

2.Time of capture

3.Date of capture

4.Voice-memo indicator (p. 115)

5.Lock indicator (p. 121)

6.Print indicator (p. 126)

7.Frame number / total number of images

8.Scroll arrows (p. 43)

9.Battery-condition indicator (p. 24)

10.Image-quality indicator (p. 82)

11.Image-size display (p. 82)

12.Magnification display (p. 43)

13.Folder number - image file number

14.Folder name (p. 137)

15.Sensitivity setting (p. 74)

16.White-balance setting (p. 70)

17.Degree of exposure compensation (p. 59)

18.Aperture value


The dark area of the histogram shows the luminance distribution of the recorded image from black (left) to white (right). Each one of the 256 vertical lines indicates the relative proportion of that light value in the image. The histogram can be used to evaluate exposure and contrast, but displays no color information.


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Konica Minolta DiMAGE_A2 instruction manual Monitor Display Quick View & Playback Mode