About this manual
This manual explains the new functions that have been added in KARMA Music Workstation system version 2.0, and the improvements that have been made from version 1.0.
•“Introduction” provides an overview of the major new functions of version 2.0, and explains how to update your system.
•“KARMA functionality” explains the new functionality that has been added to the KARMA function in Program, Combination, Sequencer, and Song Play modes.
•“Sequencer mode,” “Global mode,” and “Disk mode” explain the new functions and improvements for each of these modes.
•“Other functions” explains added functions and improvements that were not covered in the above sections.
Conventions in this manual
PG: “Parameter Guide” is abbreviated as PG.
BG: “Basic Guide” is abbreviated as BG.
GE: “GE Guide” is abbreviated as GE.
Other conventions are the same as used in the “Parameter
Guide,” “Basic Guide,” and “GE Guide.”
* KARMA™ (Kay Algorithmic Realtime Music Architec- ture) Technology has been licensed from Stephen Kay, and is protected by U.S. Patents 5,486,647, 6,084,171, 6,087,578, 6,103,964, 6,121,532, 6,121,533, and 6,326,538. Other patents pending.
* KARMA™ is a registered trademark, and the KARMA Logo, KARMA MW™, Generated Effect™ (GE), Melodic Repeat™, Direct Index™, Manual Advance™, SmartScan™, Freeze Randomize™, Random Capture™ and Random FF/REW™ are trademarks of Stephen Kay, Karma Lab LLC,
* Screen shots from the KARMA software that appear throughout this guide are ©
* Macintosh is registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc.
* Windows is registered trademark of Microsoft Corpora- tion.
* Company names, product names, and names of formats etc. are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.