Krell Industries KPS 25sc manual Warranty

Models: KPS 25sc

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This Krell producthasa limited warrantyof five yearsfor partsandlaboroncircuitry andthreeyearsfor ;)arts and laboronall mechanicalcomponentsShould.this productfail to performat anytimeduringthewarranty,Krell will repairit at nocostto theowner,exceptasset forth in this warranty.

Thewarrantydoesnot applyto damagecausedby acts of Godor nature.

Thewarrantyonthis pagesha~lbein lieu of anyotherwar- ranty,expressedor implied,including,but notlimitedto, any

impliedwarrantyof merchantabilityorfitnessfor a particular purpose.Thereare no warranties whichexceedbeyond

thosedescribedin this documentIf. this productdoesnot performas warrantedherein,the owner'ssoleremedyshall berepair.In noeventwill Krellbeliablefor incidentalor con- sequentialdamagesarisingfrompurchase,use,or inability to usethis product,evenif Krell hasbeenadvisedof the possibility of suchdamages.

Proofof purchasein the formof a bill of saleor receipted ~nvoicesubstantiatingthat the unit is withinthe warranty ;)eriod mustbepresentedto obtainwarrantyservice.The warrantybeginsonthe dateof retail purchase,as notedon thebil of saleor rece~;)ted invoicefromanauthorizedKrell dealeror distributor.

Thewarrantyfor Krell productsis valid onlyin thecountryto whichthey wereoriginally shipped,throughthe authorized Krell distributorfor that country,andat the factory.There mayberestrictions on or changesto Krell's warranty becauseof regulationswithin a specific country.Please checkwith yourdistributor for a completeunderstandingof the warrantyin yourcountry.

If a unit is servicedbya distributorwhodid not importthe unit, theremaybea chargefor service,evenif the product is withinthewarrantyperiod.

Freightto the factoryis yourresponsibility.Returnfreight withintheUnitedStates( includedin thewarranty. If youhavepurchasedyourKrell productoutsidethe U.S.A. andwishto haveit servicedat the factory,all freight and associatedchargesto thefactoryareyourresponsibility.

Krell will payreturnfreight to the U.S.A.-basedfreight for- warderof yourchoice.Freightandotherchargesto shipthe unit fromthe freight forwarderto youarealsoyourrespon- sibility.

Krell is not responsiblefor anydamageincurredin transit. Krell will file claimsfor damagesasnecessaryfor unitsdam- agedin transit to thefactory.Youareresponsiblefor filing claimsfor shippingdamagesduringthe returnshipment.

Krell doesnot supplyreplacementpartsand/orproductsto the ownerof the unit. Replacementparts and/orproducts will befurnishedonlyto the distributorperformingserviceon this unit onanexchangebasisonly; anypartsand/orprod- ucts returnedto Krell for exchangebecomethe propertyof Krell.

Noexpressedor implied warrantyis madefor anyKrell productdamagedby accident, abuse,m~suse,natural or personaldisaster,or unauthorizedmodification.

Anyunauthorizedvoltage conversion,disassembly, componentreplacement, perforation of chassis, updates,or modificationsperformedto the unit will voidthe warranty.


ConnectingnomCASTcomponentsto CASTinputs or out- puts can damageyour equipmentandvoid your warran~

Donot attempt to changeCASTcable terminations or CASTinputs or outputs to RCAor XLRconnectors.It ~s electrically impossibleto convertCASTinputor outputcon- nectionsfor balancedor single-endedvoltageoperation.

Theoperatingvoltageof this unit is determinedbythe fac- tory andcanonlybechangedbyanauthorizedKrell distrib- utor or at the factory. Thevoltagefor this productin the U.S.A.cannotbechangeduntil six monthsfromthe original purchasedate.

In the eventthat Krell receivesa productfor warrantyser- vice that hasbeenmodifiedin anywaywithoutKrell autho- rization,all warrantiesonthat productwill bevoid.Theprod- uctwill bereturnedto originalfactorylayoutspecifications the owner'sexpensebefore it is repaired. All repairs requiredafter the producthasbeenreturnedto originalfac- tory specificationswill bechargedto the "~ustomer,at cur- rentpartsandlaborrates.

All operationalfeatures,functions,andspecificationsand policiesaresubjectto changewithoutnotification.

Toregister your productfor warrantybenefits, please complete and return the Warranty Registration Cardenclosedin the shippingbox within 15 daysof purchase.Thankyou.


Krell KPS25sc

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Krell Industries KPS 25sc manual Warranty