Krell Industries KPS 25sc manual Adjustmenudisplay Brightness, Assign Customnames To Inputs

Models: KPS 25sc

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To changethe amplifier control:

1.Pressthe menucontrol button (29) or menu key. ThewordMENUappearsin the menudis- play(26).

2.Rotatethe level knob(25) or presslevel key until the wordAMPCTLappears.

3.Press the menucontrol button (29) again. AUTO(factory default) appearsin the menu display.

4.Rotatethe level knobor press the level key until the wordOFFappears.

5.Pressthe menucontrol button (29) or menu keyto lock in the setting.

6.Press the menucontrol button (29) or key again to exit the menumode.

To poweron the amplifiers after the KPS25sc is poweredon, point the remotecontrol at the KPS25sc, and press the amplifier powerkey.



This function lets you increase menudisplay brightness for easy viewing or completely dim the menudisplay.

1.Pressthe menucontrol button (29) or menu key. The word MENUappears in the menu display (26).

2.Rotatethe level knob(25) or press level key until the wordBRIGHTappears.

3.Press the menucontrol button (29) or key again. Thecurrent brightness level appears in the menudisplay (26).

4.Rotatethe level knob(25) or press the level key to viewbrightnesslevels.

5.Whenthe brightness level is set to the desired level, press the menucontrol button (29) or keyto lock in the setting.

6.Press the menucontrol button (29) or key again to exit the menumode.



This function lets you assign customrather than generic namesto digital or analoginputs on the KPS25sc, for easeof input identification and


1.Press the menucontrol button (29) or menu key. The word MENUappears =n the menu display (26).

2.Rotatethe level knob(25) or press level key until the wordNAMEappears.

3.Press the menucontrol button (29) or key again. Theword AESappears.

4.Rotatethe level knob(25) or presslevel key to select the input to which you want to assign a custom name.

5.Press the menucontrol button (29) or key. The word PHONOappears.

6.Rotatethe level knob(25) or press level key to select the desired name.

7.Pressthe menucontrol button (29) or key assign the selected nameto the selected input.

8.Press the menucontrol button (29) or key again to exit the menumode.


The input for compactdisc cannot be renamed.


Krell KPS25sc

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Krell Industries KPS 25sc Adjustmenudisplay Brightness, Assign Customnames To Inputs, CustomizingConfigurations,continued