From Roam/Svc Alert, select one of the following:
•Disabled turns roaming service alert off.
•When No Svc alerts you with three tones decreasing in pitch when service is lost and three tones increasing in pitch when service is acquired again.
•On Roam Change alerts you with two decreasing tones when roaming service is acquired and three increasing tones when home area service is acquired again.
•On Any Change alerts you with three increasing tones if there is a change in roaming service or three decreasing tones if the phone loses service.
Set Roaming Restrictions
You can restrict your phone from making a call when roaming.
From Roam Option, select Automatic (to
allow roaming) or No Roaming (to disallow roaming).
Enable Roaming Call Alert
You can set the phone to warn you before you answer or place a call while roaming.
From Roam Call Alert, select Enabled.
The phone emits a distinctive ring to indicate when you are roaming during a call. To accept or place a call while roaming, you must touch 1.
Note: Roam Call Alert is disabled when the
phone is in emergency mode.
Set Voice Privacy
From Voice Privacy, select Enhanced to use enhanced digital CDMA privacy.
Enable Privacy Alert
From Privacy Alert, select Enabled to alert
you when enhanced digital CDMA privacy is lost or regained.
Set Location Information
Use Location to share your location information with network services other than emergency services (for example, 911, 111, 999 and 000) in serviced areas. This feature works only when your phone is in digital mode. You do have the option of turning off the locator to emergency services.
From Location, select one of the following:
•911 Only (default) shares your position information only with emergency services when you call your
•Location On shares your position information, in addition to emergency services.
Set Web Alerts
You can set an alert to confirm the start or end of a browser session.
From Web Alert, select one of the following:
•At Start prompts when you start a session.
•At End prompts when you end a session.
•Both prompts when you start and end a session.
•No Prompts disables all web alerts.
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