9. Wire feed motor runs and



a. Power source is defective.



a. Disconnect input cable from



solenoid turns on but no arc






power source and place a jumper



voltage is present.






across sockets C & D of 14-









socket receptacle at power









source. If no arc voltage is









present then power source is















b. Input cable is defective.



b. Disconnect input cable from









power source and check









continuity between socket C of









8-socket plug and pin C of 14-pin









plug of the input cable and socket









D of 8-socket plug and pin D of









14-pin plug of the input cable.









Replace cable if no continuity.






c. Control PC Board is defective.



c. Replace Control PC board. (See









Procedure for Replacing PC





















10. Speed does not change when



a. Run-In and weld speeds are set



a. Set Run-In and weld speeds to



weld current flows.



to the same value or Run-In is



desired settings.






set to - - -.









b. Power source may be defective



b. Check input control cable per






or there may be a control cable



problem 2e. If this is O.K. then






problem with the serial



replace Control PC board. (See






communications - see problem



Procedure for Replacing PC





















11. Voltmeter does not function or



a. See problem 2e, also 67



a. Check continuity from brass



read properly when arc voltage



electrode sensing lead or



block on wire feed unit to pin-F



is present.



connections may be intermittent.



on input connector at control box.









Otherwise, replace Control PC









board. (See Procedure for









Replacing PC Boards.)












12. Arrow keys do not change



a. This is normal as only WFS and



a. Refer to Operations Section of



WFS or Volts/Trim.



Volts/Trim knobs will adjust these



this manual.





















13. Purge key does not turn on



a. Defective keypad or Display PC



a. Check continuity between



solenoid but trigger closure



Board is defective.



sockets 5 and 1 of keypad









connector when purge key is









closed. If not, then replace









keypad, otherwise replace









Display PC board. (See









Procedure for Replacing PC






























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Lincoln Electric 7FH manual Problems