Skype Voicemail

The Telephony Kit supports landline voicemail and Skype Voicemail. Skype Voicemail requires a subscription from These instructions are only for Skype Voicemail. Instructions for landline voicemails are found later in this chapter.

You can record “My Greeting”.

1.Press Menu.

2.Scroll to Settings. Press Select.

3.Scroll to Call Settings. Press Select.

4.Scroll to Voicemail. Press Select.

5.Scroll to My Greeting. Press Options.

6.Scroll to Record New. Record your greeting.

To listen to your greeting, follow through step 5 above. In Options, scroll to Play. Press Select to hear the greeting.

To set your greeting to the default Skype Voicemail greeting, follow through step 5 above. In Options scroll to Reset Default. Press Select. Press Yes to confirm.

When you have new Skype Voicemail, the LED on the handset will flash, and the Skype Voicemail icon will appear on the display screen.

Chapter 4: Using the Dual-Mode Internet Telephony Kit

Dual-Mode Internet Telephony Kit

NOTE: The Skype Voicemail list will display an icon next to each voicemail. The Skype Voicemail icon with a red star indicates that a message is new, while the same icon without the star indicates that you have already heard this message.


Skype Voicemail

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Linksys CIT400 manual Skype Voicemail