M&S Systems MC2000 owner manual Room Features Menu

Models: MC2000

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Room Features

The Room Features menu allows you to customize each room’s intercom, paging and monitoring settings. These settings must be adjusted at each room station on the MC2000 system. To set the options for a room station follow the steps presented below.

Receive page toggle

Receive intercom toggle

Receive monitor toggle

Return to setup menu

Press to get to additional options

Figure 9 - Room Features Menu

All options are toggles; pressing the button alternates between turning the feature on and off. A check mark ( ) next to an option indicates that the feature is turned on. The features included on your MC2000 System include:

Receive Page

Receive Doorbell

Receive Intercom

Wake Control

Receive Monitor

Sleep Control

Send Page

Mode Control

Send Intercom

Music Control

Send Monitor

Presets Control

These settings can be overridden by changing the room setting on the Greeting Menu shown in Figure 2. If Default is selected all options are turned on. If Nap is selected the following options are disabled; Receive Page, Receive Intercom, and Receive Doorbell. The Privacy setting turns off all the receive options (including page, intercom, monitor, and doorbell). The Custom setting allows you to pick and choose which options you want active.


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M&S Systems MC2000 owner manual Room Features Menu