2.5.2 Pages
(p1) SPEED
The vessels Actual Speed through the water as measured by
the Speed Transducer.
(p2) VMG
The vessels calculated Speed Directly Upwind. This value is calculated by the instrument from the Boat Speed and Apparent Wind Angle.
The vessels calculated Speed directly towards the active Waypoint. This value is calculated by the GPS Antenna.
(p4) LOG
The total distance travelled by the vessel since installation of the instrument or since a Factory Reset.
(p5) TRIP
The distance travelled since the last Trip Reset. To Reset see page 18
(p6) MAX Speed
The Maximum Speed attained since the last reset. To Reset see page 18
(p7) AVG Speed
The Average Speed attained since the last reset. To Reset see page 18
(p8) DEPTH
The Actual Depth beneath the vessel as measured by the Depth Transducer. The displayed value will be affected by any keel or waterline offset added (see page 23).
(p9) MIN Depth
The Minimum Depth encountered since switch on or since the last Minimum Depth Reset. To Reset see page 18
(p10) MAX Depth
The Maximum Depth encountered since switch on or since the last Maximum Depth Reset. To Reset see page 18
(p11) APP WIND Speed
The Actual Wind Speed with respect to the vessel as measured by the Wind Transmitter.