After sales service
In the event of any faults which you cannot remedy yourself, please con‐ tact:
–your Miele Dealer, or
–Miele (Contact details for Miele are given at the end of this booklet).
When contacting your Dealer or Miele, please quote the model and serial num‐ ber of your machine, both of which are shown on the data plate visible above the porthole glass when the door is open.
N.B. A
Optional accessories
Optional spare parts and accessories for this washing machine are available from your Miele Dealer, the Miele Spare Parts Department or via the internet at
Please note that telephone calls may be monitored and recorded for training purposes.
Guarantee: U.K.
In the U.K, the washing machine is guaranteed for 2 years from the date of purchase.
In the U.K. you must activate your cov‐ er by calling 0330 160 6640 or register‐ ing online at www.miele.co.uk.
Guarantee: Other countries
For information on the appliance guar‐ antee specific to your country please contact Miele. See end of this booklet for contact details.