6.Secondary DNS Server IP:
This section is to set the Secondary DNS Server IP address.
7.Ethernet Connection Type:
This section is to set communication speed of the
Fig. 13-Network Screen
4-4. Configuration: SNMP
This screen is to set the SNMP settings so that the
1.MIB System
A.System Name:
This section is to input a name for the
B.System Contact:
This section is to input the name of the administrator.
C.System Location:
This section is to input the name of the location of the
2.Access Control
A.Manager IP Address:
This section is to set the IP address that the administrator can manage
This section is to set a Community name for NMS. The community name has to be the same as the setting in NMS.
This section is to set the authorities of the administrators. Options are Read, Read/Write, and No Access.
This section is for an administrator to make notes.