98 Operation
DCP501 User Guide

Playing an MP3 Audio CD on the DCP501

Your DCP501 allows you to play MP3 audio CDs created on a PC. To start, stop, pause, and skip
a selection on a CD containing MP3 audio files, use the same buttons on the DCP501 front panel
or remote control as you would with any DVD or audio CD. When creating an MP3 CD on a PC,
the transfer bit rate setting for compression should be set to 128Kbps. The DCP501 is
compatible with 32, 44.1, and 48kHz sampling frequencies. The DCP501 can read an MP3 CD
created under a PC file structure within the following guidelines:
Readable characters are alphabetic characters A-Z, numbers 0-9, and the underscore (_).
The MP3 extension is attached to all filenames.
Never add the MP3 extension to any files other than MP3 files on a CD played on the
DCP501. If the MP3 extension is added to any files other than MP3 files, the DCP501
produces loud noises and may damage your speakers.
Make sure an MP3 file can be played on a PC prior to copying the file(s) to a CD.
Make sure you close the MP3 copy session on your PC when creating an MP3 CD. An MP3
CD does not play on the DCP501 if the session was not closed.
Filenames and folder names may not be properly displayed with some PC MP3 software.
Do not store files or folders other than MP3 on the media to be played back on the DCP501.
In some instances, MP3 playback does not occur when audio CD (CD-DA) and MP3 audio
are stored on the same CD.
It is not possible to playback more than the maximum allowable folder and files allowed by
the media. The maximum is a total of 223 files and folders.
When exceeding more than eight characters, MP3 folder and file names are displayed in an
abbreviated format by the DCP501.