DCP501 User Guide
TV and VCR Setup Codes
You can set up your remote control for your TV and VCR by consulting the tables below. Note
that you only need to set up your remote control for your TV, VCR 1 and VCR 2 (if applicable).
For instructions on programming, verifying and finding setup codes for your remote control, see
Remote Control in the “Overview” section.
TV Setup Codes
Manufacturer TV Setup Code
AOC 0019, 0030
Admiral 0093, 0463
Aiko 0092
Akai 0030
Alaron 0179
America Action 0180
Anam 0180
Audiovox 0092, 0180, 0451, 0623
Baysonic 0180
Belcor 0019
Bell & Howell 0016, 0154
Bradford 0180
Brockwood 0019
Broksonic 0236, 0463
CXC 0180
Candle 0030, 0056
Carnivale 0030
Carver 0054
Celebrity 0000
Cineral 0092, 0451
Citizen 0030, 0056, 0060, 0092
Concerto 0056
Contec 0180
Craig 0180
Crosley 0054
Crown 0180