DCP501 User Guide
Abbreviations and Acronyms
A/V Audio/Video
AM Amplitude Modulation
CD Compact Disc
CSR Customer Service Representative
DAT Digital Audio Tape
DCP Digital Convergence Platform
DCT 2000 Digital Consumer Terminal 2000
DTS Digital Theater Systems. Sound system created by Digital Theater Systems, Inc. to rival
Dolby Digital 5.1
DVD Digital Versatile Disk
EMM entitlement management message(s)
EPG Electronic Program Guide
FM Frequency Modulation
HRC harmonically related carriers
IPG interactive program guide
IPPV Impulse Pay-Per-View
IR Infra-Red
IR Blaster Infrared Blaster
IRC incrementally related carriers
kH Kilo Hertz, thousand of cycles. For the DCP, refers to the frequency of sounds that you can
hear and transmission frequencies of AM radio stations.
LD Laser Disk
LFE Low Frequency Effect
MHz Mega Hertz
mp3 See MPEG-1
MPAA Motion Picture Association of America
MPAA Motion Picture Advisory Association
MPEG-1 Moving Pictures Expert Group standard 1, designed for coding progressive video at a
transmission rate of 1.5Mbps, designed for Video-CD and CD-i. MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3
(mp3) evolved from this.
MPEG-2 Moving Pictures Expert Group standard 2, designed for coding interlaced images at rates
greater than 4Mbps. Used for digital and high definition television broadcast.
NTSC National Television Standards Committee
NVOD Near Video on Demand
NVRAM Non-volatile random-access memory
OSD On Screen Display