USB Interface 7 - 13

1025 $Y CTRL Y
1026 $Z CTRL Z
1027 %A CTRL [/
1028 %B CTRL \
1029 %C CTRL ]
1030 %D CTRL 6
1031 %E CTRL -
1032 Space Space
1033 /A !
1034 /B
1035 /C #
1036 /D $
1037 /E %
1038 /F &
1039 /G
1040 /H (
1041 /I )
1042 /J *
1043 /K +
1044 /L ,
1045 - -
1046 . .
1047 /O /
1048 0 0
1049 1 1
1050 2 2
1051 3 3
1052 4 4
Table 7-2
USB Prefix/Suffix Values (Continued)
Prefix/ Suffix
Full ASCII Code 39
Encode Character Keystroke
The keystroke in bold is sent only if the “Function Key Mapping” is
enabled. Otherwise, the unbolded keystroke is sent.