User Preferences 4 - 9

Radio Communications

Connection Maintenance Interval

When a scanner disconnects from a cradle due to a Link Supervision Timeout, the scanner immediate ly atte m pts
to reconnect to the cradle for 30 seconds. If the scanner does not reconnected within 30 seconds, it enters low
power mode. Thereafter, when a bar code is scanned, the scanner attempts to reconnect before transmitting the
To guarantee that a disconnected scanner can reconnect when it comes back in range, the cradle reserves the
connection for that scanner for a period of time defined by the Connection Maintenance Interval. If the cradle is
already supporting the maximum four scanners, and one scanner disconnects, a fifth scanner cannot pair to the
cradle during this interval. Connection Ma intenance Interval options are:
15 minutes
30 minutes
One hour
Two hours
Four hours
Eight hours
24 hours
The system administrator de termines the Connection Maintenance Interval. A shorter interval allows new user s to
gain access to abandoned connections more quickly, but causes problems if users leave the work area for
extended periods. A longer interval allows existing users to leave the work area for longer periods of time, but ties
up the system for new users.
To avoid this conflict, users who are going of f-shift can scan the unpair bar code on page 4-12 to ignore the
Connection Maintenance Interval and make the connection immediately available.