User Preferences 4 - 11
Radio Output Power
The Symbol LS3478 uses a Class 1 Bluetoo th radi o with a tr ansmission range of up to 100m. Optionally place the
radio in a Class 2 op erating mode to restrict the transmission range to 10m and reduce the effect of the radio on
neighboring wireless systems.
Scan a bar code to select Class 1 or Class 2 oper a tion .
*Bluetooth Class 1
Bluetooth Class 2
Parameter Broadcast
Enable Parameter Broadcast to broadcast all parameter bar codes scanned to all othe r sca n ne rs in the pico n et . If
disabled, parameter bar codes are processed by the individual scanner only, and the scanner ignores p arameters
broadcast from other scanners or from the cradle (e.g., param eters sent via 123Scan).
*Enable Parameter Broadcast
Disable Parameter Broadcast