12 - 24 Symbol LS3478 Product Reference Guide
Code 93
Enable/Disable Code 93
To enable or disable Code 93, scan the appropriate bar code below.
Enable Code 93
*Disable Code 93
Set Lengths for Code 93
The length of a code refers to the number of characters (i.e., human readable charac ters), including check digit(s)
the code contains. Lengths for Code 93 may be set for any length, one or two discrete leng th s, or leng th s with in a
specific range.
One Discrete Length - This option allows the scanner to decode only those Code 93 symbols containing a
selected length. Lengths are selected from the numeric bar codes in Appendix D, Numeric Bar Codes. For
example, to de code on ly Code 93 symbol s with 14 characters, scan Code 93 - One Discre te Length, th en scan 1
followed by 4. In case of an error, or to change the selection, scan Cancel on page D-3.
Code 93 - One Discrete Length