7 - 18 Symbol LS3478 Product Reference Guide
Table 7-4
USB GUI Key Character Set
GUI Key Keystroke
3000 Right Control Key
3048 GUI 0
3049 GUI 1
3050 GUI 2
3051 GUI 3
3052 GUI 4
3053 GUI 5
3054 GUI 6
3055 GUI 7
3056 GUI 8
3057 GUI 9
3065 GUI A
3066 GUI B
3067 GUI C
3068 GUI D
3069 GUI E
3070 GUI F
3071 GUI G
3072 GUI H
3073 GUI I
3074 GUI J
3075 GUI K
3076 GUI L
3077 GUI M
3078 GUI N
3079 GUI O
3080 GUI P
GUI Shift Keys - The Apple
iMac keyboard has an apple key on
either side of the space bar. Windows-based systems have a GUI key to the
left of the left ALT key, and to the right of the right ALT key.