14 - 6 Symbol LS3478 Product Reference Guide

Special Commands

Pause Duration
This parameter along with the Send Pause parameter on page 14-24 allows a pause to be inserted in th e data
transmission. Pauses are set by scanning a two-digit number (i.e., two bar codes), and are measured in 0.1 seco nd
intervals. For example, scanning bar codes “0” and “1” inserts a 0.1 second pause; “0” and “5” gives a 0.5 second
delay. Numeric bar codes begi n on pa ge D-1 in Appendix D, Numeric Bar Codes. In case of an error , or to chan ge
the selection, scan Cancel on page D-3.
Pause Duration
Begin New Rule
Scan this bar code to start entering a new rule
Begin New Rule
Save Rule
Scan this bar code to save the entered rule.
Save Rule