xiv Symbol LS3478 Product Reference Guide
Chapter 12, Symbo lo gie s describes all symbology features and provides the programming bar codes for
selecting these features.
Chapter 13, Mis cella n eou s Scan ne r Optio n s includes commonly used bar codes to customize how data is
transmitted to the host device.
Chapter 14, Advanced Data Formatting (ADF) describe s how to customize scanned dat a be fore transmitting
to the host.
Appendix A, Standard Default Parameters provides a table of all host devices and miscellaneous scanner
Appendix B, Programming Reference provides a table of AIM code identifiers, ASCII char acter conversions,
and keyboard maps.
Appendix C, Sample Bar Codes includes sample bar codes.
Appendix D, Nume ric Bar Cod es includes the numeric bar codes to scan for parameters requiring specific
numeric values.
Notational Conventions
The following conventions ar e us ed in this do cu me n t:
Bullets (•) indicate:
•action items
•lists of alternatives
•lists of required ste ps that are not necessarily sequential.
Sequential lists (e.g., tho se th at desc rib e ste p -by -s te p pr oc ed ur e s) ap pe a r as nu m be re d lists.
Throughout the programming bar co de menus, asterisks (*) are used to denote default parameter settings.
Related Publications
The LS3478 Quick S t art Guide ( p/n 72-67137- xx) provides general info rmation to help the user get st arted with the
scanner, including basic setup and operation instructions.
For the latest versions of the LS3478 Quick Start Guide and the Symbol LS3478 Product Re ference Guide go to:
*Baud Rate 9600 Feature/Option
* Indicates Default