BASICA/QuickBASIC GPIB-PC Function Calls Section Four A
GPIB-PC User Manual 4A-54 ©National Instruments Corp.
Purpose: Read data from GPIB into file
Remarks: BD% specifies a device or an interface board. FLNAME$ is
the filename under which the data is stored. FLNAME$
may be up to 50 characters long, including a drive and path
IBRDF automatically opens the file as a binary file (as
opposed to a character file). If the file does not exist,
IBRDF creates it. On exit, IBRDF closes the file.
An EFSO error results if it is not possible to open, create,
seek, write, or close the file being referenced.
Device IBRDF Function:
When BD% specifies a device, the device IBRD function is called to
read from the device.
When the device IBRDF function returns, IBSTA% holds the latest
device status; IBCNT% is the actual number of data bytes read from the
device, modulo 65,536; and IBERR% is the first error detected, if the
ERR bit in IBSTA% is set.
Board IBRDF Function:
When BD% specifies an interface board, the board IBRD function is
called, which attempts to read from a GPIB device that is assumed to
already be properly initialized and addressed.
An EADR error results if the board is CIC but has not been addressed to
listen with the IBCMD function. An EABO error results if the board is
not the CIC and is not addressed to listen within the time limit. An
EABO error also results if the device that is to talk is not addressed
and/or the operation does not complete for whatever reason within the
time limit.