GPIB-PC User Manual G-2 ©National Instruments Corp.
COMMAND or COMMAND MESSAGE - Common term for interface
CONFIG.SYS - The DOS file that contains the names of the loadable
device driver or handler programs that DOS loads when it is booted.
CONFIGURATION - The process of altering the software parameters in
the handler that describe the key characteristics of the devices and
boards that are manipulated by the handler. By keeping this
information, such as GPIB address, in the handler, it does not have
to be defined in each application program. IBCONF.EXE is the
GPIB-PC configuration program.
manages the GPIB by sending interface messages to other devices.
DATA or DATA MESSAGE - Common term for device dependent
DAV or DATA VALID - One of the three GPIB handshake lines. See
DCL or DEVICE CLEAR - A GPIB command used to reset the device or
internal functions of all devices. See IFC and SDC.
DECLARATION FILE - A GPIB-PC file that contains code that must be
placed at the beginning of an application program to allow it to
properly access the handler. DECL.BAS is the Declaration File for
programs written in Interpretive BASICA. See Language Interface.
DEVICE - An instrument, peripheral, computer, or other electronics
equipment that can be programmed over the GPIB. See Board.
DEVICE DEPENDENT MESSAGE - A message sent from one device to
another device, such as a programming instructions, data, or device
status. See Commands or Interface Message.
DEVICE FUNCTION - A function that operates on or otherwise pertains
to a GPIB device rather than to the GPIB-PC interface board in the
computer. See Board Function.
DIO1-DIO8 - The GPIB lines that are used to transmit command or data
bytes from one device to another.