Section Four A BASICA/QuickBASIC GPIB-PC Function Calls
©National Instruments Corp. 4A-73 GPIB-PC User Manual
Purpose: Send interface clear for 100 microseconds
Format: CALL IBSIC (BD%)
Remarks: BD% specifies an interface board.
The IBSIC function causes the GPIB-PC to assert the IFC
signal for at least 100 microseconds, provided the GPIB-PC
has System Controller capability. This action initializes
the GPIB and makes the interface board CIC and Active
Controller with ATN asserted, and is generally used when a
bus fault condition is suspected.
The IFC signal resets only the GPIB interface functions of
bus devices and not the internal device functions. Device
functions are reset with the Device Clear (DCL) and
Selected Device Clear (SDC) commands. To determine
the effect of these messages, consult the device
The ESAC error occurs if the GPIB-PC does not have
System Controller capability.
Refer also to IBRSC.
Board Example:
1. Initialize the GPIB and become CIC and Active Controller at
the beginning of a program.