IBIC Section Six
GPIB-PC User Manual 6-8 ©National Instruments Corp.
Session Summary Screen
This session summary can be viewed by pressing F2. Once displayed,
the following keys can be used to manipulate the display:
Cursor Up scrolls summary up one line
Cursor Down scrolls summary down one line
Page Up scrolls summary up one page
Page Down scrolls summary down one page
Home scrolls to the top of summary
End scrolls to the end of summary
Escape or F2 exit the session summary display and return to the
main monitor screen
Configuring the Trap Mask
Pressing F5 allows you to change the current configuration of the trap
mask. It yields a popup menu with each of the status bits displayed
along with their current state (either ON or OFF). Use the UP and
DOWN arrow keys to highlight the desired bit and press F1 to toggle its
state. Pressing ENTER will record the changes. Pressing ESCAPE will
cancel this action and leave the mask unchanged. Selecting all bits has
the effect of trapping on every call, while turning them all off causes no
trapping to occur.
Configuring the Monitor Mode
Pressing F6 allows you to change the current configuration of the
monitor mode. It yields a popup menu with the current mode
checkmarked. Use the up and down arrow keys to highlight the new
mode and press ENTER to record the change. Pressing ESCAPE will
cancel this action and leave the mode unchanged.