Installation and Configuration Section Two
GPIB-PC User Manual 2-2 ©National Instruments Corp.
•DECL.BAS - is a declaration file that contains code to be
placed at the beginning of the BASICA and QuickBASIC
application programs.
•QBDECL.BAS - is a declaration file that contains code to be
placed at the beginning of the QuickBASIC application
Additional Programs and FilesThe following additional programs and files include installation, test,
and example programs:
•APPMON.COM - is the applications monitor program. It is a
resident program that is useful in debugging sequences of GPIB
calls from within your application. The applications monitor
provides the capability to trap on return from GPIB driver calls,
allowing you to inspect function arguments, buffers, return
values, GPIB global variables, and other pertinent data.
•IBTRAP.EXE - is a program that configures the applications
•IBSTART.BAT - is a batch file used for installation and start-
up. It is a multipurpose program that performs the software
installation. It copies files, modifies CONFIG.SYS (the DOS
system configuration file) using MKCFG.EXE, and tests the
hardware using IBDIAG.EXE.
•IBDIAG.EXE - is a program that tests the hardware installation
before the GPIB software is configured and installed. After the
handler is installed, IBTEST.BAT confirms that both the
software and hardware are installed and functioning properly.
The test is executed in two parts using IBTSTA.EXE and
•IBCONF.EXE - is a software configuration program that allows
you to change the software parameters and other data used by
the handler.
•IBIC.EXE - is an interactive control program that allows you
to execute the handler functions interactively from your
keyboard. It helps you to learn the functions, to program your
instrument or other GPIB device, and to develop your
application program.