©National Instruments Corp, I-3GPIB-PC User Manual
EElectrical characteristics 1-5
EOI w/last byte of write, setting 2-14
EOSbyte 2-14
modes 2-14
Error codes 4-6, 5-11
Errors and Solutions B-1
Execute Indirect File ($) 5-17
Exiting IBCONF 2-16
FFloppy disk, boot 2-3
Functions and syntax, IBIC 5-7
that alter default characteristics 2-17
auxiliary 5-12
high level 3-1
low level 3-1
GGeneral programming information 4-1
Glossary F-1
address, primary 2-12
address, secondary 2-12
electrical 1-5
physical 1-5
clearing 3-4
configuration requirements 1-9
connector and the signal assignment 1-6
data lines 1-3
error codes 4-6
functions 5-7
messages 1-1
operation 1-1
data lines 1-3
handshake lines 1-3
interface management lines 1-4
signals and lines 1-3,
related documents 1-9
GPIB-PC Model 2-14