BASICA/QuickBASIC GPIB-PC Function Calls Section Four A
GPIB-PC User Manual 4A-8 ©National Instruments Corp.
Table 4A.1 - BASICA GPIB-PC Functions (continued)
Description CALL Function Syntax
Wait for selected event IBWAIT (BD%,MASK%)
Write data from string IBWRT (BD%,WRT$)
Write data asynchronously from string IBWRTA (BD%,WRT$)
Write data from file IBWRTF (BD%,FLNAME$)
Write data from integer array IBWRTI
Write data asynch from integer array IBWRTIA
The first argument of all function calls except IBFIND is the integer
variable BD%, which serves as a unit descriptor. Refer to the IBFIND
function description and Section Three for additional information on the
use of this unit descriptor.
Table 4A.2 contains a complete list of the QuickBASIC GPIB calls,
their parameters, and a short description of each.
Table 4A.2 - QuickBASIC GPIB-PC Calls
Description CALL Function Syntax
Change access board of device IBBNA (BD%,BNAME$)
Become Active Controller IBCAC (BD%,V%)
Clear specified device IBCLR (BD%)
Send commands from string IBCMD (BD%,CMD$)
Send commands asynchronously from
string IBCMDA (BD%,CMD$)
Enable/disable DMA IBDMA (BD%,V%)
Change/disable EOS mode IBEOS (BD%,V%)
Enable/disable END message IBEOT (BD%,V%)
Open device and return unit descriptor IBFIND (BDNAME$,BD%)
Go from Active Controller to standby IBGTS (BD%,V%)
Set/clear ist IBIST (BD%,V%)
Go to local IBLOC (BD%)
Place device online/offline IBONL (BD%,V%)
Change primary address IBPAD (BD%,V%)