BASICA/QuickBASIC GPIB-PC Function Calls Section Four A
GPIB-PC User Manual 4A-4 ©National Instruments Corp.
You may change function and variable names defined in the code block
if they conflict with names the application program is using. The
substitution must be done consistently and carefully throughout.
Instructions provided in this section assume that no name substitution is
necessary and that the recommended names are used.
The GPIB status, error, and count information is returned in the
variables IBSTA%, IBERR%, and IBCNT% as described at the beginning
of Section Four.
In accordance with BASICA language protocol, all function arguments
are variables, either integer or string, and their values must be assigned
before the function call is made.
The CLEAR statement in line 1 of DECL.BAS contains a constant which
is used to determine the memory requirements of the BASICA language
interface. For the great majority of users this constant is correct. The
constant may be incorrect, however, if you are using a system with an
extremely small amount of memory. If after BASICA is invoked it
reports that there are fewer than 60000 bytes free, you may need to
adjust the constant to a smaller value.
Programming Preparations for QuickBASIC
Include the following QuickBASIC statement at the beginning of your
application program:
This statement is included in the file QBDECL.BAS on the distribution
The GPIB status, error, and count information is returned in the
variables IBSTA%, IBERR%, and IBCNT% as described at the beginning
of Section Four.
The file QBIB*.OBJ contains the QuickBASIC language interface to
the GPIB-PC handler. Link compiled GPIB application programs
written in QuickBASIC with QBIB*.OBJ to produce an executable file
permitting access to the handler.
In accordance with QuickBASIC language protocol, all function
arguments are variables, either integer or string, and their values must
be assigned before the function call is made.