Section Four A BASICA/QuickBASIC GPIB-PC Function Calls
©National Instruments Corp. 4A-81 GPIB-PC User Manual
Purpose: Alter applications monitor trap and display modes
Remarks: MASK% specifies a bit mask with the same bit assignments
as the mask used with the function IBWAIT. Each MASK%
bit is set, cleared to trap, or cleared not to trap,
respectively, when the corresponding bit appears in the
status word after a GPIB call. If all the bits are set, then
every GPIB call is trapped.
MODE% determines when the recording and trapping occur.
The valid values are:
1 Turn monitor off. No recording or trapping
2 Turn record on. All calls are recorded but
no trapping occurs.
3 Turn record and trap on. All calls are
recorded and the monitor is displayed
whenever a trap condition occurs.
If an error occurs during this call, the ERR bit of IBSTA
will be set and IBERR will be one of the following:
1 Applications monitor not installed.
2 Invalid monitor mode.
4 (EARG) IBTRAP not supported by installed
Otherwise, IBERR will contain the previous mask value.
Refer to Section Six for more information.