©National Instruments Corp. G-1 GPIB-PC User Manual
ACCEPTOR HANDSHAKE - A GPIB interface function that receives
data or commands. Listeners use this function to receive data, and
all devices use it to receive commands. See Source Handshake and
ACCESS BOARD - The GPIB-PC board that controls and
communicates with the devices on the bus that are attached to it.
APPLICATIONS MONITOR - A resident program that is useful in
debugging sequences of GPIB calls from within your application.
APPMON.COM - The file on the distribution diskette which contains the
applications monitor.
ATTENTION or ATN - A GPIB line that distinguishes between
commands and data messages. When ATN is asserted, bytes on the
GPIB DIO lines are commands.
AUTOMATIC SERIAL POLLING - A feature of the GPIB-PC software
in which serial polls are executed automatically by the handler
whenever a device asserts the GPIB SRQ line.
BD - A variable name and first argument of each function call that
contains the unit descriptor of the GPIB-PC interface board or other
GPIB device that is the object of the function. See Unit Descriptor.
BOARD - One of the GPIB-PC interface boards in the computer. See
BOARD FUNCTION - A function that operates on or otherwise pertains
to one of the GPIB-PC interface boards in the computer. These
boards are referred to as GPIB0, GPIB1, etc. See Device Function.
BOOT - To load the operating system programs from floppy or hard disk
into memory and to begin executing the code. A hard boot is when
power is applied to the computer. A warm or soft boot is when
specific keys are pressed, such as CTRL SHIFT DEL on the IBM
BOOT DRIVE - The floppy or hard disk drive that is used to boot the