Chapter 4. Web Management Interface
NP725 has equipped a friendly Web graphical user interface for users and system administrators to configure parameters easily and remotely. The recommended web browsers are IE 6.0(TM), Firefox 2.0(TM) and the above. NP725 provides the web management interface for easier configuration. After completing hardware installation, the administrator can configure the NP725 through web browsers with JavaScript enabled, such as Mozilla Firefox 2.0 or Internet Explorer version 6.0 and the above.
1.Launch a web browser to access the web management interface of NP725 by entering “” in the URL.
The default LAN IP address of NP725 is listed as following: IP Address:
Subnet Mask:
If the IP address of the administrator’s PC is not assigned via DHCP within the same subnet as NP725’s, then a static IP address assigned to the administrator’s computer within the same subnet as NP725’s is needed.
The following examples show how to set a static IP address to the administrator’s computer: IP Address:
Subnet Mask:
The Web management function of NP725 includes:
System : System Information, Network Settings, Management Services
AP: Overview, General, VAP Configuration, Security, Advanced, and Access Control.
WDS: Overview and WDS Configuration
Utilities: Admin Password, Configuration Save/Restore, System Upgrade and Reboot
Status: Overview, Clients, WDS List and Event Log